Motorized Rotation Stages
In many industrial sectors, positioning accuracy is a requirement of fundamental importance:
- from semiconductor manufacturing to microscopy
- from biotechnology to medical engineering
- from optical to photonics.
All these fields of application have one feature in common: they require positioning systems with high resolution and repeatability in the order of nanometers and/or nano radians.
The new generation of multi-axix and multi-rotating systems developed by PhiDrive allows you to achieve high positioning accuracy with a high torque-to-mass and torque-to-volume ratio, very high energy efficiency and the total absence of lubricants. The rotary stages work by exploiting innovative mechanisms that have given rise to various patents.
The innovation of mechanisms is based on the exploitation of the elastic deformation of materials. PhiDrive has therefore developed a new concept of rotary stages with an E-Green core, making them suitable for countless applications.
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